Graduate portrait

Anastasia Melandinou


Exhibited Work

Book Cover Design

Designing the cover of some old Cypriot literature books was based on the concept of bringing these stories in a modern environment and giving them so...

Shrubs Cosmetics

Shrubs Cosmetics is a fictional brand that creates skin products with a philosophy based on the natural products and the Mediterranean culture.

Shrubs Tea Package

The brief given was to design the logo, the visual identity and the tea packaging for a Mediterranean company called Shrubs.
Shrubs is a compan...

Re-story project

On our module of Social Design we had to organize and design a campaign for a social issue on the island of Cyprus.
I choose to study and raise...

Polyamorous Daisy

On the brief of designing a zine with the theme of our personal interest, I decided
to explore the subject of hybrid biology, AI technology an...


VHS.CY is a variable display Greek font, designed for my thesis.
Its design and concept is based on the cover titles of the Cypriot videotapes....