The Equality Commission logo is designed to inspire equality. Due to that, in its horizontal form, it shows a balanced seesaw, in the sense that in ou...
These posters have been designed based on texts taken from two different 'freeze' from the movie Brazil by Terry Gillia (1985). The phrases were rende...
This campaign is designed to inform and to raise awareness about endometriosis which is a chronic gynecological disease. For the purpose of the campai...
Two covers of Roger-Pol Droit's book Astonish Yourself, 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life were created. One version is bicolor and th...
The Shurbs company is a company that produces organic products. The logo was created by combining the letter S and the leaves that refer to nature. Af...
A trilogy of posters has been created which aims to awaken and inform the public about verbal violence and its effects. Through the posters, you highl...