In order to create an eco-friendly packaging, I designed two proposals that can be recycled and reused in a creative way. The packaging for the...
Brainwatch, is an animation short film, about a brain, which gets manipulated by two hands, wearing yellow gloves. The brain, symbolizes the brain of ...
“Flora I” animation is inspired by surrealism, especially by surrealist artist Salvador Dali. Dali’s “Surrealist Flowers” series of lithogra...
This website, was developed during my internship at ThinkPositive New Media for a marine company called Kontor17, which has its base in Germany. Fleet...
This short film was inspired by Francis Bacon’s painting, “Posthumous Portrait of George Dyer”. Francis, created this triptych painting, to hono...
This is a short film inspired by the poem of Sarah Kane, called Psychosis 4:48. The film contains a lot of symbols about the obstacles of life that th...
According to the facts about Religion Racism, I created a campaign that gives people the opportunity, through an application, to send an anti-racism p...
Fuze is a design magazine, focusing on young creatives and offering inspiration about graphic design, multimedia design, architecture, art and interio...
Our senses are the a and the o for the survival and life of man and are directly related to our emotions, our way of life, our psychology, our aesthet...
These videos were about last year's CUT OUT EXPO, 2020. Inspired by pop art, in colours, rhythm, diversity, contrast and at the same time purity and s...